April 6, 2011

Spring Flowers

This post is dedicated to my sister in snow-locked Edmonton whose delight in a small vase of hothouse daffodils wrenches my heart. I took these photos this afternoon on my walk home from our community centre (where, by the way, there were dozens of people out jogging, walking their dogs, playing baseball, frisbee and rugby).

I love spring because it seems to signal the renewing of a sense of community. People are brought together by warm weather while winter seems to keep us cozy and separated in the islands of our homes.

Milly came for a visit and thoughtfully brought these pink buds.

April 2, 2011

Date Night

Date night last week.

The Food: Incendio Pizzaria
The Film: Incendies
The Transportation: Beatrice and Rupert

Sounds like a recipe for a fabulous night, right? Wrong. Everything was perfect until we watched the French film Incendies. It was very well done but just...so...sad. It dampened our moods. We walked home kind of depressed.

The Moral: only watch comedies on date night.

Mario Time

Mario Brothers on Wii is one of the funnest times to be had. Especially in such good company. The two lovely ladies are my Kinesiology buddies and Scott is just Scott. An old favourite.