October 7, 2009

Muchacho Bonito

I was at the library a couple of hours ago innocently typing something up for some class or other when I heard a voice. I looked up, curious, and saw a boy across from me working away busily and singing beautifully in Spanish. I smiled in pleasure at the unconventionality of it. Here we were in the middle of an academic study centre, surrounded by studious students and a beautiful boy was singing a beautiful song and no one was annoyed by it.
SFU grows on me more and more.


  1. hahaha...i'll tell you what i love.
    Your new layout.
    And the fact that you change your newlayout as often as you post
    and I love your face
    and I'm going to cut you

  2. That's surprising- both that someone was singing in the library, and more so that no one seemed to mind.
    I miss hearing you sing all the time.

  3. Haha, I forgot about the cutting aspect of our relationship Kate. Priceless!

    As for you, Anonymous, who are you?

  4. kevin is coming to me at thanksgiving...I will be back soon though...keep you posted!
