August 19, 2009

Vocab Slam

I enjoy reading. Generally, as I read I keep a list of all the words I can't decipher from the context and, when time permits, look them up. The idea is to expand my diminutive vocabulary. Here are a few, by request:
  • garrulous - excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters
  • recalcitrant - reisting authority or control
  • zeitgeist - the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time
  • incontinent - lacking in moderation or self control; unceasing or unrestrained
  • proclivity - natural or habitual inclination or tendency
  • occlude - to close, shut, or stop up
  • specious - apparently good or right though lacking real merit; superficially pleasing or plausible


  1. What were you reading that used the word 'zeitgeist'?

  2. I don't recall. I think it's fairly common in english though, isn't it?

  3. One of my current favourites, and sticking with the theme of German imports, is Schadenfreude, though I find that my interests are in constant flux. Dissemble is another good one.

    Now is a good thing or a bad thing that I knew all but garrulous?

  4. I think it's more of a reflection on my dumbness than your smarts, Ee, though your intelligence is beyond reproach.

    What does schadenfreude mean?

  5. Wow! I've begun a quest to build my vocabulary as well! Some of my new favourites are: inveigh, rancor, and otiose. We may not be learning French, but at least we're improving our English :P xo

  6. English is an alright language. I'm going to test you on these at our next meeting.
