This is Jennie. She's the oldest. It is always such an educational (and fun!) experience conversing with her as her knowledge of the world is pretty much comprehensive.

This is Amelia. She's the brunette. Her charismatic charm is probably the trait that those who don't know her well appreciate the most about her. But I think my other sisters will agree that her most endearing quality is what a caring friend and confidante she is.

Here is Esther. There's no doubt but that she's the most generous selfless sister a girl could ask for! Her willingness to give of herself is truly heartwarming. (I don't think I tell her enough how much her continual generosity means to me.)

Sarah is the last. She's my childhood buddy and too rad for words. We've grown up from Barbie playing playmates to young adults with still so much in common.

For those of you who don't suspect, sisters are most likely the best people in the world to have in your life.